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Some Windows shortcut keys you never knew!

So you think you know all the Windows shortcuts? You might want to check this out then!

  • Press Ctrl + Esc to open the start menu
  • If you want to rename any folder, click on it and press F2.
  • If you want to search any file press F3 or Windows key + F.
  • If you want to look at the properties of any file, click on the file then press ALT + Enter.
  • Press Windows key + M to minimize all open Windows and Windows key + Shift + M to maximize all the Windows.
  • Pressing Alt + Tab takes you to a tab where all the programs open are shown.
  • If you want to use your keyboard as RMB (Right mouse button) then press Shift + 10.
  • If you want to permanently delete a file without moving it to the recycle bin press Shift + Delete.
  • If you want to open all the Windows open one by one press Alt + Esc.
  • You can close a Window by pressing Ctrl + W.
  • If you want to look at the properties of a document press Shift + F10.
  • If you want to look at your systems specifications press Windows key + Pause Break.

Using shortcuts is not always bad!


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