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Riding music is too mainstream for you? try flying it!

No this is not a flight simulator, but an artistic combination of awesome old school space invaders style game..

even though I have no idea why i mentioned the space invaders part.

Now, Back to reality!

The game is actually called Beat Hazard Ultra.

Why? well because the game is powered by your music.

Beat Hazard is a game based on your music, its beats. bass. And Volume

The game is basically about to kill your enemies while your firepower and enemy firepower depends entirely on statistics of your song!

a bit of screenshot here which i shamelessly took off google's image search

Beautiful..no? you are the small one!

The only reason i am posting a review at this game because of its great visuals, creativity.. mass selection of perks/ weapons and collection of songs.

The game itself basically have 4 or 5 gamemodes, and comes with its own selection of songs which you can choose to begin with.
It supports upto 2 players offline local multiplayer with 2 gamemodes Co-op and Head-to-Head (A gamepad is required)

But what's head-to-head?
Head-to-Head is a gamemode like versus gamemodes in fighting games e.g - tekken
But unlike tekken, instead of killing your opponent you have to score higher than him/her/it.
tip: try getting him killed then upon dying he'll drop 25% of his multipliers (score boosters) and grab em' all

In 2 player offline multiplayer, i prefer Head-to-Head mode, because in Co-op you and your partner have combined 3 lives, whereas in head-to-head there are infinite.
This game has stunning visuals, runs smoothly and what-not! you enjoy your favorite dubstep/melody at the same time!

*Note. This game is not for photosensitive people, I.E if you feel unwell infront of random flashes and glare of lights then stay away from this game.
Also, deaths have been reported to people who play songs of following bands/singers: Justin Beiber & 1 Direction.

So why waiting?
Grab yourself a copy of the game at steam Here


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