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11 Awesome Google Products' Easter Eggs

We've seen some cool pranks like YouTube closing down, Google Nose, Gmail Blue and Google+ Emotion  this April Fool's and Easter day.
Here are some more easter eggs and pranks from the Google products.

Zerg Rush

This easter egg was created in reference to the infamous strategy game StarCraft.
After you type "zerg rush" in google search box, you will see the red and orange O's from the Google appearing and clearing all the search results and other things or rather, removing them. After all the results and other things are cleared you will see big letters saying "GG" formed with the O's with a share score and clear button. GG refers to GOOD GAME or GOOD GOING.
There have been various record high scores made in this game with one being on Guinness World Records website.

Google Pac-man

This one's a classic. Who didn't liked playing Pac-man on Nintendo? I even play it today.
Google added this doodle on their homepage on the 30th anniversary of Pac-man on May 21, 2010. You can play the game by clicking on "insert coin".
There's also an option for two player mode with Pacman and Ms. Pacman.
Play Google Pacman now!

YouTube does the Harlem Shake

This one is purely awesome.
After you search "Do the harlem shake" on YouTube, you will see the YouTube logo shaking and a pause button is formed next to it and after sometimes all the thumbnails and other things on the website start shaking.
This easter egg was added in reference to the infamous Harlem Shake trend.

Google Pirate

This one changes all the language on the Google website to the Pirate language.
Open Google Pirate now!

Google does the Barrel Roll

Search for "do the barrel roll" or "Z or R twice" in the search box and the search result page will rotate 360 degrees.
This is a reference to the Nintendo video game Star Fox 64 for the Nintendo 64 console.


Girls and kids will love this one!
Press CTRL+SHIFT+Y in Picasa and a teddy bear will appear on the screen.
The teddy bear is movable by using the mouse.

Google Treasure Map

On 31st March (a day before 1st April), Google added a new treasure map version of the map of the United States map saying.
"In September 2012 our team discovered a paper map that has been verified as Captain Kidd's treasure map. However, we haven't deciphered all the clues yet and its up to you to access his map and uncover the secrets. If we all work together, we can solve the mystery and find the long lost treasure".
You can find it here https://maps.google.com/maps?t=8.

One does not simply walk into Mordor

Use Google maps to get directions and then type The Shire as the start point and Mordor as the destination
You will get the message "Use Caution - One does not simply walk into Mordor".
This is a reference to the movie "Lord of the Rings"

Google Tilt

Search for "askew" in Google search box and the page will lean.
This only works in browsers with support for css3 transform.

Google Calculator - Loneliest Number

If you search "the loneliest number" it equals "1".
It is a reference to the song by Harry Nilsson.

Google Translate Beatbox

Go on Google Translate and search "pv zk bschk" and set "translate from" language to English. The "listen to translation" button will be transformed into "beatbox" button. And you'll hear some good beatboxing.
Hint - Beatbox "pv zk pv pv zk pv zk kz zk pv pv pv zk pv zk zk pzk pzk pvzkpkzvpvzk kkkkkk bsch" for more awesomeness.


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